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Message sent from:

Teacher- Mrs Bradbury 

Teaching Assistant - Miss Sansom 

Volunteers - Brenda & Trudy  (come to hear children read).

School gates open at 8.30am - children to be supervised by parents/carers.

The bell rings at 8.40am welcoming children to class. The register will be taken at 8.50am.

Home time is 3.20pm.

Friday: Friends and Family assembly at 9.10 in the church.

PE is on a Friday afternoon.

Don't forget to upload your children's news, activities and learning to Tapestry. 


Tapestry is our online platform for sharing children's magic moments and learning with their special adults at home. It is also used as an EYFS practitioner toolkit for assessing children's stages and next steps, helping us to keep track of their progress and record milestones in learning. This is a great way for you to share your child's home learning experiences with us too. If you are part of our 'blended' school approach, combining school and home education, Tapestry will be the platform used to share children's home education with us. We are looking forward to celebrating their experiences together!



My door is alwas open, stop for a chat after you have collected your child in the afternoon. 

Please e-mail (see below) if you would like to contact me and it is non-urgent.

If it is urgent please see me at drop off or pick up for a chat. Alternatively, drop by the school office to pass on any notes. 

Many thanks

Contact: egglets@st-marks.e-sussex.sch.uk


Welcome to Egglets! Please provide some welly boots and a change of underwear in their school bag, in case your child should need it. 

Easter eventy at St Marks: 

Thursday 28th March at 2.00pm

Please join us for a church service then onto the playground for some egg rolling fun at 3.00pm.

Collection as usual at 3.20pm.


Look out for our 'Reading Workshop' coming soon. 


Thank you for coming to our settling in sessions at Egglet Class before the summer break.

This was a lovely chance for your children to meet their year 6 buddy and get to know the Egglet teachers and environment. 

Please bring on the first day of term:

PE kit / spare clothes (underwear) should your child need them / a rain coat / water bottle. 

All items must be named to help us support your child in looking after their belongings. 


Term 6

An Attitude of Gratitude...  


Click on the image above to see the term's learning. This is a suggested pathway only and we know the majority of learning will be informed by the children's choices, ideas and be a reflection of them and their lives. 

This term we are focusing on 'An Attitude of Gratitude' as we move into an abundant time of year. We will be watching nature bloom as we move toward warmer months and enjoying our outside space. We will be looking at people in society who help us and who we are grateful for. We will be studying The Lorax by Dr Seuss with plenty or drama and immersive learning to help inspire our writing. Egglets will be celebrating the completion of their first year at school! 


In term 5 we were looking at...

Blooming Marvellous!...

This term we will be looking out for signs of the season! Taking note of the changes all around us as spring time bursts forth! The children will be looking at planting, seeds and growing as their learning theme. We will be busy in the Egglet growing garden developing our green fingers! And looking at books alongside this theme such as 'It Starts With a Seed' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We will be exploring the theme of friends and teamwork and undertaking floral art work projects!


In term 4 we were looking at...

'Into the Woods'

This term is all about traditional tales and story telling. We will be looking at classic fairytales and using drama, story telling, props or prompts, drawing and writing to explore our understanding of classic tales. These help to form the foundations of our knowledge of stories and will help us as we look at modern classics and traditional story structure!    




Egglet Class Values 

We have Kind Hands, Heart, and Feet
We look after our school and everyone in it
We challenge ourselves and try
We take care of our classroom
We listen and learn from each other 

EYFS guidance


The EYFS Profile which is updated regularly and shows the expected standard and progression of the EYFS. 

Early Years practitioners, have a responsibility to adapt approaches and themes to accommodate the Egglet's current interests and needs. We also try to include seasonal experiences, festivals, local and global celebration e.g. Diwali, Easter, Autumn, Spring, Chinese New Year, Winnie the Pooh day  and these may change slightly depending on the cohort and the year itself.  Please see the Development Matters document to see the skills that are assessed and developed in Early Years from birth until 5.  

Progression of Skills in the Early Years across the academic year

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