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St Mark's CE Primary School

Sports Premium

What is the Sports Premium?

Schools have a central role to play in supporting all children and young people to live healthy active lives. This is particularly true of primary school where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity should be established.

Crucial to achieving this is ensuring that pupils have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable teachers and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. The PE and sport premium grant funding should be used by schools towards these aims.

Schools must use the funding to develop or add to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide, as well as make additional and sustainable improvements, following the 5 key indicators:

  1. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  2. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  3. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport

Possible uses for the funding might include: 

  • Providing staff with professional development, mentoring, appropriate training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils and embed physical activity across your school.
  • Embedding physical activity into the school day through encouraging active travel to and from school, active break times and holding active lessons and teaching.
  • Providing targeted activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children. 
  • Raising attainment in primary school swimming to meet requirements of the national curriculum before the end of Key Stage 2. 

Sports Premium Report 23-24