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St Mark's CE Primary School


Life Skills at St Marks


Relationship, sex and Health Education 

Our ambition at St Marks is to support our children in becoming well rounded young people that thrive and contribute meaningfully in theirs and others lives.

We understand that a child's key adults at home are the first means of educating them and we hope to support a child's journey in partnership between the home and school setting. We know that a child's emotional and physical well-being is paramount and academic progress cannot be achieved without nurturing a child's personal development.       


  • To teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships between friends, family, children and adults. 
  • To model and teach respect and tolerance for the diverse world in which we live. That our differences can be celebrated as what makes us unique and special. 
  • From early years onwards, to teach the value of personal boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others. This lays the foundations for safe and unsafe physical contact and consent as children move into higher education at secondary school.  
  • That the principles of positive relationships also apply online. To give guidance to online safety and how to protect information that is personal to us. 
  • To reflect our school community, people's identities and family structures so that every child feels a sense of belonging and self-worth in seeing themselves reflected in the resources we use.
  • To develop a child's positive personal attributes through the teaching of RSHE and wider school ethos. Through celebration of school values such as honesty, humility, kindness, generosity and a sense of justice, we hope to demonstrate the impact of these attributes to the child and the lives of those around them. 
  • To promote a shared emotional literacy and to develop within each child a clear understanding of mental health, how to support their own and others. 
partnership picture

"Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

This is why we have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools in England "

Statutory Guidance

Foreword by the Secretary of State. 

A helping hand pictureGrowing picture


RSHE teaches many important and crucial personal skills and promotes understanding in a safe environment at an age appropriate level. We are aware that modern childhoods differ greatly from those we experienced in our youth, presenting many new challenges and placing greater pressure on our young people today.  It is so important that now more than ever we equip our children to keep themselves and peers safe, in a way that is relevant to their lives and world. 

St Marks Church of England School

Relationships and Health Education in Church of England Schools.


Department for Education

Statutory guidance for schools, Relationships and Health Education. 


Teaching and Learning at St Marks

Our Scheme: This shows an overview of all areas of learning within PSHE and RSE at St Marks.