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St Mark's CE Primary School

Pupil Leadership

We wholeheartedly believe in creating a pupil leadership culture where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. We want our children to be actively involved in school improvement and to breathe life, relevance, purpose and meaning in all that happens at our school.

We strive for as many opportunities for children to become confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations within our community and beyond. We believe in giving the children the opportunity to make a vital contribution to continually improving their school and their learning journey.

The aim of the various pupil leadership roles is to enable children to take on leadership responsibilities within the school, ensuring their voices and opinions are heard and acted upon. We actively encourage children to challenge, discuss and debate issues which are important to them.

We believe that by giving ownership of the school to our children it creates a better school and builds leaders of the future.

This belief builds on our Christian values of Friendship and Respect

 Our Pupil Leaders are trained to help in delivering this vision through:

  • Working alongside the staff in making key decisions
  • Voicing opinions and ideas to improve learning and teaching
  • Being visual around the school to promote good behaviour and safety
  • Actively seeking the views of other pupils regarding key issues and changes in the school

There are a number of different whole school roles and responsibilities that children can be involved in, but alongside this, within the classroom, children also are given a variety of roles and responsibilities. They may (for example) be ‘Art Monitors’ in charge of all things creative, or ‘Book Monitors’ who support the teacher by handing out books.

Again, by giving children responsibility and ownership of their class it builds respect and a greater sense of autonomy

Our School Council 

Rufus, Mortimer, Theia, Dolly, Phoebe, Luke, Isla E


Digital Leaders


House Captains


Yellow Wheelers - Eva
Blue Tinkers - Lottie
Red Waghorns - Iris
Green Wilderness - Isla E & Henry C

Sports Crew

Luke L, Iris, Isla E, Isla ST

 Reading Ambassadors

Willow F, Maisie, Sienna, Kyra, Matthew