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St Mark's CE Primary School

Outdoor Learning

"St. Mark’s Ideal Learning Environment"

In 2009 St Mark’s were fortunate to acquire one and three quarter acres of land in Waste Wood. The land, which consists of meadow, stream and woodland, is only a short walk from the school and is regularly used by each class as a wonderful outdoor learning resource. The school held a competition to name this land and from this came the excellent winning idea of SMILE Meadow.

The land has been used extensively in our cross-curricular work and has been a way of developing learning skills in science, maths, literacy, art, geography and music.

We have held overnight camps for the Red Admirals and these have been a great success.  We have an outside classroom, a shelter with a super table and a toilet.

We hope over the coming years our children will continue to enjoy using this fantastic learning resource.

We have a forest school teacher who comes in and works with children several times a year.

SMILE outdoor learning